What Happens To My TV Mix After Delivery And Does It Matter?

On the Production Expert website they have published an article where Damian Kearns asks Michael Nunan, Senior Manager for Broadcast Audio and Post Production Operations at Bell Media about what happens with TV mixes after delivery for broadcasting. The article discusses some key concepts that can often be misunderstood about the importance of 5.1 mixes … Read more What Happens To My TV Mix After Delivery And Does It Matter?

Sound Design For Trailers: Hits, Rises, Drones & Pulses

Ezra Sandzer-Bell from the Audio Design Desk team has written up an article discussing categories of non-diegetic sound effects, or sound design elements, commonly used in trailer (and other) sound design. It’s a good intro to the use of some of these types of sounds in productions and can be read here: https://add.app/sound-effects/sound-design-for-trailers-hits-rises-drones-pulses

Multitrack Recording Van/Vehicle Sound Effects

Around 2 years ago I needed to record some atmos/SFX for a scene for a feature film which featured some driving in a van. To cover it adequately for a 5.1 surround mix I used 6 microphones and did some takes or passes where I was using audio cues in headphones to “perform” the driving … Read more Multitrack Recording Van/Vehicle Sound Effects

AirCon Audio Conference Recordings

Airwiggles recently held an online conference (AirCon 2023) covering many aspects of audio production with “over 50 hours of live talks, panels, and interviews featuring inspiring audio professionals from around the world.” A lot of the events sounded interesting but the times of the events were usually not great for me to attend in real … Read more AirCon Audio Conference Recordings

Classic Hollywood Sound Effects on Freesound

Craig Smith from the School of Film/Video at California Institute of the Arts undertook a huge digitisation project to archive rolls of film and tape containing sound effects from the 1930s to 1950s from Hollywood, and shared them on freesound.org under a Creative Commons 0 license. This is a generous and valuable undertaking to preserve … Read more Classic Hollywood Sound Effects on Freesound

Why we all need subtitles now

A big topic of discussion about films and TV recently has been intelligibility of dialogue. I’ve linked to other discussions of it before (https://versed.com.au/intelligibility-in-films) and it is a real issue with many variables coming in to play. Vox have put together a neat video explainer that discusses the main issues at play at: https://www.vox.com/videos/23564218/subtitles-sound-downmixing-dialogue-movies-tv Personally … Read more Why we all need subtitles now

All You Need to Know About 3D Audio

Sound Particles have put together a great short video series that covers the basics of 3D or spatial audio, which serves as a great primer for people interested in learning more about this area. They also have a free eBook that covers similar content. Thanks Sound Particles for creating such neat and easy to understand … Read more All You Need to Know About 3D Audio