Ian Shepherd AES Mastering Talk

UK Mastering guru Ian Shepherd from Production Advice presented a talk at a recent AES event focussed on “Mastering in the Streaming Era”. It starts with a general overview of what mastering is, but then goes into some more detail around considerations of mastering in the current era including loudness, normalisation and perceptual coding. You … Read more Ian Shepherd AES Mastering Talk

Film Crew Roles

There are a lot of different job roles in a film crew for larger productions. Studiobinder have a blog post that includes details and explainer videos that covers all the main usual roles which is a useful resource for students or others keen to learn more about film production: https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/film-crew-positions/

Why we all need subtitles now

A big topic of discussion about films and TV recently has been intelligibility of dialogue. I’ve linked to other discussions of it before (https://versed.com.au/intelligibility-in-films) and it is a real issue with many variables coming in to play. Vox have put together a neat video explainer that discusses the main issues at play at: https://www.vox.com/videos/23564218/subtitles-sound-downmixing-dialogue-movies-tv Personally … Read more Why we all need subtitles now

The Psychology of Analogue

I just watched an interesting short documentary by an Irish music producer/engineer that discusses their thoughts around the senses, benefits of an analogue approach with some limitations and creativity generally. It’s a touching and thoughtful short film and well worth a watch for anyone interested in or involved in the sound arts. Check it out … Read more The Psychology of Analogue

Wireless Antenna Positioning

Positioning of antennae for wireless audio systems can make a huge difference to the outcomes when using wireless microphones and similar systems. This includes spacing of diversity antennae as well as some other best practices around polarisation and some other factors. Shure have some great information about this on their website at: https://www.shure.com/en-US/performance-production/louder/all-about-wireless-antenna-positioning-best-practices

All You Need to Know About 3D Audio

Sound Particles have put together a great short video series that covers the basics of 3D or spatial audio, which serves as a great primer for people interested in learning more about this area. They also have a free eBook that covers similar content. Thanks Sound Particles for creating such neat and easy to understand … Read more All You Need to Know About 3D Audio