Pro Tools 130 and 201 courses at CIT soon

Canberra Institute of Technology is running Pro Tools 130 Game Audio and 201 level production training in the coming weeks. It is very rare that this training is offered in Australia so is potentially a good opportunity for professional Pro Tools users. The workshops are run over 3 days at the Woden campus in Canberra: … Read more Pro Tools 130 and 201 courses at CIT soon

Bang-On Retro Drums

AudioTechnology magazine has a feature in their latest issue which covers recording and mixing of retro drum kit styles covering the 50’s through to 70’s. It’s a pretty cool resource:    


Colossal published an article this week featuring the art of a guy who has bought large advertising billboards to “unvertise”. I like it. Check it out:  

A few vintage THX videos

A little while back SoundWorks Collection posted up a few classic videos from THX including a demo reel featuring bits from some classic Lucasfilm movies, a short documentary of the production of the soundtrack, and a video about the origin of THX. Check them out at: