Recording audio output from FMOD

FMOD Studio is a fantastic audio middleware tool for game audio folk. It has some great features that really makes it a different beast to a typical DAW. I wanted to use FMOD’s features in a non-typical way to create an ambience using FMOD’s randomisation features, so I used Soundflower to route its audio output into Pro Tools. FMOD is not really built for this task, so there isn’t an easy way to directly export audio outputs in the way I wanted, so the below screenshots might help with setting this up for other people (or myself in case I forget in the future).


Choose the appropriate channel format in the FMOD Preferences
Choose the appropriate channel format in the FMOD Preferences


Mac Sound Output Preferences
Mac Sound Output Preferences


Mac Sound Input Preferences
Mac Sound Input Preferences


Check Sample Rate in Audio Set-up Window
Check Sample Rate in Audio Set-up Window


Check sample rate in Pro Tools Playback Engine
Choose Soundflower as your Playback Engine in Pro Tools


Pro Tools I/O Setup
Set up suitable bus with correct channel configuration in Pro Tools I/O Setup


Record into Pro Tools
Record into Pro Tools using the bus you set up as the Input, and having a dummy output so that you don’t cause a feedback loop through SoundFlower


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