Platypus Recording in Queanbeyan River

Back in August last year I thought I’d go relax a little after wrapping up a big audio post project by going out for a hydrophone recording in the local river. It was actually a really nice experience, as a platypus was hanging around. It is great to know that the Queanbeyan River is healthy and safe enough for platypuses to be living in there in the middle of Queanbeyan.

At one point the platypus takes an interest in the hydrophones and it sounds like it has a go at them. Platypuses have very sensitive electroreceptors in their bills, and I wonder if the platypus might have detected an electric field from the hydrophones which got it’s attention. If you know any more about this stuff, please let me know if you think this is plausible.

I have posted up the whole half hour recording on SoundCloud in case anyone wants to check it out:


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