Camera Simulator

Confused by manual camera settings? This neat online DSLR simulator lets you play with settings like ISO, aperture, and shutter speed so that you can learn how the different settings affect your image. Check it out at:


Around 18 months ago Ayla Pentikainen and I put together an installation for the Burning Seed festival which is held near Matong, NSW. The festival is an offshoot of the Burning Man festival in USA, and is not-for-profit and based around art and community. For more information about the festival, check out The theme … Read more Mythinterpret

Surround Microphone Arrays

There are a couple of great resources that have been produced for us at European seminars over the last few years that allow you to compare various surround microphone arrays in blind listening tests. This one contains ambience recordings: This one contains orchestral recordings: